; JesseR's version of the mIRC Webster dictionary (v2.0) ; various other versions were written by various other people. i based this on mexis's. ; /define word - looks up the word/phrase in the Webster database (spaces ok) ; ; If the word is misspelled, the server will give you a list of corrections. ; You can then /define correctspelling OR /define number (use the number from the list). ; ; You can use ? and * wildcards to search for words or phrases you can't spell. ; (? = any one letter, * = anything or nothing) ; ; btw, you can send a "help" command for technical stuff: /dictionary help alias define { echo 4 -s Looking up: $chr(2) $+ $chr(31) $+ $1- set %dictbold $true dictionary DEFINE $1- } alias dictionary { if ($sock(Dictionary) == Dictionary) { ; already connected to dictionary server sockwrite -n Dictionary $upper($1-) } else { set %dictcommand $upper($1-) sockopen Dictionary muesli.ai.mit.edu 2627 } } on 1:sockopen:Dictionary:{ if ( $sockerr != 0 ) { echo 4 -s Failed to connect to dictionary server: cryptic error number $sockerr } else { sockwrite -n Dictionary %dictcommand } unset %dictcommand } on 1:sockread:Dictionary:{ sockread %temp ; webster server sends character 128 (EOF?) at the end of each /define, but mirc ; thinks it comes at the beginning of the next reply. set %temp $remove(%temp,$chr(128)) ; sometimes the server will send a blank line, so make it show a blank line and not an error if ( %temp == $null ) { echo 5 -s $chr(160) | halt } ; bold the first line returned after i type /define something if ( %dictbold == $true ) { set %temp $chr(2) $+ %temp | unset %dictbold } echo 5 -s %temp } alias easc for 1 $len($$1) echo -s $!1 $!asc($!mid( $1 ,$!1,1))