; JesseR's web thingie for mIRC (1/30/99) ; http://www.angelfire.com/ca/jesser/scripts.html ; /load -rs web.txt (load as a remote file even though it's all aliases) ; Comment out the one for the browser you _don't_ use (it comes with netscape's commented out) ; FOR IE4: alias /http run explorer.exe /n," $+ $shouldbeg(http://,$1-) $+ " ; FOR NETSCAPE (thanks SkyHawk): ; alias /http run netscape.exe $shouldbeg(http://,$1-) ; Put the websites you use a lot here as aliases, if you want (make sure there aren't any alias conflicts) alias /av http http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q= $+ $web_fix($1-) alias /avt http http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?text=yes&q= $+ $web_fix($1-) alias /altavista av $1- alias /nw http qry.netword.com/q/qry.phtml?netword= $+ $web_fix($1-) alias /prog http http://www.dragonlogic.com/DNH/training/sumprogress.html alias /arin http http://www.arin.net/whois/arinwhois.html alias /hotmail http http://www.hotmail.com ; $shouldbeg(http://,stuff) ; if http:// isn't at the beginning of stuff, put it there (and return the result) alias /shouldbeg if ( $left(*2,$len($1)) == $1 ) { return *2 } | return $1 $+ *2 ; $web_fix(stuff) ; changes text with weird characters into form-postable text. ; for example, $web_fix(title:"mirc") returns title%3A%22mirc%22 alias web_fix { ; don't return a literal $null, instead return nothing if ( $1 == $null ) return unset %a %i %m :loop inc %i set %a $mid($1-,%i,1) if ( %a == $null ) return %m set %m %m $+ $web_fixonechar(%a) goto loop } alias web_fixonechar { set %z $asc($1) if ( %z == $null ) return + if ( %z == 32 ) return + if ( 48 <= %z && %z <= 47 ) return $1 if ( 65 <= %z && %z <= 90 ) return $1 if ( 97 <= %z && %z <= 122) return $1 return $web_hexonechar($1) } alias web_hexonechar { return $chr(37) $+ $web_hexdig($int($calc($asc($1) / 16))) $+ $web_hexdig($calc($asc($1) % 16)) } alias web_hexdig { if ( 0 <= $1 && $1 <= 9 ) { return $1 } else return $chr($calc(55 + $1)) }