; makes /who replies look a lot different ; You'll be able to figure most of it out when you run it, but ; Nick will be red for other people, and blue for you ; "!" will be white (invisible) if they're set away, otherwise grey ; Opers will have the server name underlined and bolded. ; If this conflicts with a _single_ other script that uses the /who command ; but hides the reply, put this code at the bottom of that script file. RAW 352:*:{ unset %whochan %whoaway %whooper set %whonick 4 if ( $6 == $me ) { set %whonick 12 } if ( $2 != $chr(42) ) { set %whochan $2 } if ( + isin $7 ) { set %whochan 4+ $+ %whochan } if ( @ isin $7 ) { set %whochan 4@ $+ %whochan } if ( H isin $7 ) { set %whoaway 14! } if ( G isin $7 ) { set %whoaway 0! } if ( $chr(42) isin $7 ) { set %whooper  } echo -s %whonick $+ $6 $+ %whoaway $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 3 $+ %whooper $+ $gettok($5,1,46) $+ 1 %whochan : $+ $9- unset %whochan %whoaway %whooper halt }