Portuguese Bend Community Association
Minutes of the Board Meeting
2 October, 2006

Called to Order: 7:15 pm by Porter.
Present: Kelly, Himelwright, Cooper

Minutes of Sept. 11, 2006 were approved.

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report for September was received and approved.

Roads:East- Working on Limetree. Will seal cracks before it rains.

West- Cracking along Narcissa was reported, as was a dip in the road at Fruit Tree. These and 2 low spots on Cinnamon where water collects need to be corrected. Will try to get them all done before heavy rains this winter.

Roadsides: West- no report

East- some trimming has been done.

Access Control: A lot of repairs this month due to truck damage. Peppertree exit gate still intermittently won’t open or takes many seconds before it starts to open. Also now there is metal-on-metal banging so the arm may need adjusting. The cameras at Narcissa have been installed and a new lens may help read license plates better. The cameras at Peppertree are in poor lighting, are in need of adjusting and may need an additional camera.

President’s report: none City liaison / RDA: none

Old Business: None

New Business: Kelly brought up the request for a Big Trash Day in the community this fall. A representative from the trash company will be contacted to see what he can provide for us. The issue of overnight camping on vacant lots was brought up. Porter suggested we contact the City to see what, if any, ordinances may apply.

Communications: A member made a request regarding the possibility of leaving the Association. There are no provisions in the CC&Rs, that are known, providing a mechanism for a property to leave the Association.

Audience: Tom Mattis presented a letter from ACLAD outlining a need for installing 3 more dewatering wells. This was deemed an urgent matter and possibly one for a special meeting. The meeting could take place as soon as two weeks from now. Members will be notified if this is to take place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Next meeting date: Monday, November 6, 2006, 7 pm Ladera Linda

Respectfully submitted,
Cassie Jones, secretary