Portuguese Bend Community Association
Minutes of the Board Meeting
6 November, 2006

Called to Order: 7:15 pm by Porter.
Present: Kelly, Himelwright, Cooper, Burt

Minutes of October 2, 2006 were approved.

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report for October was received and approved.

Roads:East- Still working on Limetree. Considering bids for a new asphalt layer around the wholeTangerine/Limetree loop. Gas pipeline across Tangerine needs covering. The horse trails along side the roads will be kept as wide as possible, where possible. West- Estimates are being taken for work on Narcissa. Issues with water flow are being taken into consideration.

Roadsides: West- New stop signs are being ordered to replace faded and broken ones. Signage for the cameras has been ordered.

East- no report

Access Control: As above, signage for the cameras is needed. The Peppertree gate is still touchy but until Limetree is done, the truck traffic will prevent corrective work being done on the gate. A product called “Web Eliminator” might help solve the problem of the cameras getting covered with spider webs. The lights at the Peppertree Gate need replacing. Some funding from the City Grant might be used for this.

President’s report: none City liaison / RDA: none

Old Business: Universal Waste made a presentation to those in attendance regarding the trash pickup services they offer. It was agreed that a Community Big Trash pick up day would be scheduled just after the first of the year.

The issue of the permissibility of overnight camping on vacant lots in the City is still being investigated.

New Business: Big Trash Day will take place after the New Year. A proposal was received from residents of lower Abalone Cove/Barkentine area regarding restrictions on developments larger than 5 homes. The board made no motions to support or reject the proposal.


Audience: Marianne Hunter discussed the possibility of planting additional trees around the community. Along roads and above the community as a possible way to mitigate some water and runoff damage. Kay Bara updated on the city’s Landslide workshop. As a result, some more work is being done on the wells on the east side.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm

Next meeting date: Monday, December 4, 2006, 7 pm Ladera Linda

Respectfully submitted,
Cassie Jones, secretary