Portuguese Bend Community Association
Minutes of the Board Meeting
6 December 2004

Present: Parks, Himelwright, Siegel, and Kelly.

Minutes of 1 November were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer’s report for November received and approved.

Correspondence: City Council meeting notices were received

PW West: A memo from the City was received stating that there are no spare parts to our sewer system available from the City. The City will be asked at least for the specification sheets for the parts, as we will likely have to obtain parts on our own.

PW East: A section of Limetree was repaved. The Cherryhill mud puddle was eliminated. Peppertree water control was taken care of. Still working on Peppertree paving.

Access Control: Peppertree gate motor shorted and was repaired.

RS W: One quote for street sweeping was received from RF Dixon Co. $350 per cycle. Doesn’t include storm cleaning, which is extra at $85 per hour. One sweep cycle will be done in mid-December. Removal of road debris from Ride-to-Fly will be directed to the Twidwell’s.

President’s report: None

City liaison / RDA: nothing to report

Old Business: Received a draft of proposed standards for sheds from Porter. The procedure for changing and appealing the architectural standards will be consulted so as to notify the constituents properly that these will be coming up for their review.

New Business: Mike Chiles brought up a potential concern regarding drainage through Altamira Canyon being diverted by a buttress place there in 1981 by the Community Association.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm

Respectfully submitted,
C. Jones, Secretary