Portuguese Bend Community Association
Minutes of the Board Meeting
6 March 2006

Called to Order: 7:40 pm by Porter.
Present: Porter, Kelly, Himelwright, Burt and Cooper.

Minutes of February 14, 2006 were approved as submitted. The Board thought it pertinent to note that, for the record, the grading and roadwork on Peppertree is substantially complete. There are miscellaneous items yet to be completed including striping, stop signs and roadside work, which will be completed as weather permits.

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report for January was received and approved

Roads: Himelwright reported that railroad ties and rocks would be strategically placed to decrease the mud runoff after the rains. Work will commence on Limetree and Tangerine after the rainy season passes.

Roadsides: Porter will be overseeing the Roadsides East and will get bids for regular tree trimming.

Access Control: Quotes for security cameras are being obtained.

President’s report: Assignments and responsibilities for the up-coming year: Roads East, Porter; Roads West, Cooper, Roadsides East Himelwright, Roadsides West Burt, Access Control Kelly.

City liaison / RDA:

Old Business: It was moved seconded and passed 5-0 to spend up to $6000.00 for security cameras at both gates.

New Business: In response to complaints about the number of peacocks in the area this year, it was noted that the Board has no official policy on their management, acknowledging that this is a personal decision each resident makes.

Meetings for the up coming year will commence at 7 pm.

Audience: none

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm

Next meeting date: Monday, April 3, 2006, 7 pm Ladera Linda

Respectfully submitted,
Cassie Jones, secretary