Portuguese Bend Community Association
Minutes of the Board Meeting
10 July, 2006

Called to Order: 7:20 pm by Porter.
Present: Kelly, Himelwright, Burt, Cooper and Porter.

Minutes of June 5, 2006 were approved as amended.

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report for May l was received and approved. Budget items were reviewed. A representative from The Richardson Firm will be asked to attend a subsequent meeting to clarify short term and long term budgeting procedures.

Roads: The contractor guarantees the regrading and repaving done on Peppertree. They asked that we watch the road for 6 months to fully determine the extent of work to be redone. A few potholes on Narcissa will need to be patched soon. The board reiterated that Tangerine is still falling apart due to increased movement in the area now. Work to begin soon. Limetree: dirt will need to be brought in to fill the gaps.

Roadsides: Narcissa gate sprinklers are 95% repaired. Leonardo: weed control.

Access Control: surveillance cameras have not been installed yet pending construction of secure boxes to hold them. The power supply at the Peppertree gate needs to be finalized.

President’s report: none City liaison / RDA: none

Old Business: It is requested that the Richardson attorney firm send a representative to the next board meeting for a review of budgeting procedures and an update on the review of our CC&Rs.

New Business: City Beautification Grant proposals are due August 1st. It was suggested to replant the hillside east of the Peppertree Gate. Porter will bet two bids by Aug. 1.

Audience: Bill Griffin voiced concerns regarding the high fire hazard and was concerned that heavy equipment could not reach homes in the area. Also, he questioned the logic of having the water tank above Narcissa sitting empty. Bob Maxwell reminded the Board of the need for an East Pomegranate sign and again requested the board inquire of the City as to how their dewatering wells are being maintained. He also suggested this request come from the Board. It was agreed that Casey Porter, Bob Maxwell and Daphne Clarke should meet regarding this subject. Tim Kelly reported a meeting with Jim York in which Mr. York stated he would be revising his project at Point View. Our attorney’s advice regarding road access will be sought.

Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm

Next meeting date: Monday, August 7, 2006, 7 pm Ladera Linda

Respectfully submitted,
Cassie Jones, secretary