Portuguese Bend Community Association
Minutes of the Board Meeting
2 August, 2004

Present: Kelly, Himmelwright, Siegel

Minutes of 5 July were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s report submitted and reviewed. Approved as submitted. Additional columns for year-to-date expense and total year’s budget will be added starting next month to the 2nd page.


  1. 2 letters about trash (attached). Discussion ensued.
  2. Letter from PV Concours D’Elegance (attached). Negotiations are continuing.
  3. Letter forwarded from arch comm. re potential unauthorized duplex. The board authorized Kelly and Siegel to consult with our attorneys and report back regarding recommended actions.
  4. Letter from Greenberg, Fields, & Whitcombe, LLP, acting on behalf of various PBCA members, expressing concern about sheds on empty lots, and stating their position that they are not allowed under the rules of the Association. The board authorized Kelly and Siegel to consult with our attorneys and report back regarding recommended actions.
  5. Letter from Saban in response to board letter about her informal speed limit sign. Chuck checked with the City, and reports that the City says we can set limits as we please. Chuck will do a survey of the principle route through the community, and come back to the board with a recommended set of sign locations and speed limits. Tim will talk to the sheriff about getting the electronic speed-measuring sign back for a few days, to be placed on Sweetbay.

PW West: nothing to report

PW East / Peppertree road project: significant progress on Peppertree. Smoothing and widening underway, to be followed by slurry seal.

Access control: no incidents this month. One report of P gate being open was noted.

RS W: no report

President’s report:

  • One potential addition of land to the boundaries of the Association is being discussed. The president suggested to the board that a broader discussion of adding land to the Association might be in order, leading to a policy statement on this subject by the board. The board agreed. The president will prepare a working paper for the board to consider.
  • 5 reports of RVs, trailers, etc, parked so as to be visible from the street were referred to the board by the Arch Comm. The board will make calls on the members involved, and request moving the vehicles so that they are not visible from the street.

City liaison / RDA: nothing to report

The board will post signs at the gate about the requirement to have dogs on leashes

Respectfully submitted,
N. Siegel, President
C. Jones, Secretary