PBCA architectural committee
3 May 2004, 6:30 pm. Ladera Linda.

Call to order. Members present: Don Burt (chairman), Tom Hoffman, Neil Siegel, Tim Kelly, Chuck Himmelwright, Casey Porter, Bud Parks

Reports. Porter and Burt reported on progress on the letter being prepared as a preamble to the Architectural Standards. Extensive discussion, including several members of the audience.

Procedures. Parks and Himmelwright reported on progress on the review of submission procedures, as documented in the current Architectural Standards. Extensive discussion, including several members of the audience.

Old business.

Tom Hoffman presented a summary of the backlog of Architectural Committee case-load. Two active cases are pending, one of which was just received. After discussion, it was agreed that Tom would obtain additional information concerning Nasser Novinshoar's application, and that each Committee member would make a point of driving by and familiarizing themselves with the structure under discussion.

New business. An application from Gigi Green regarding exterior paint colors was reviewed and approved (7-0).

General discussion. There was an extensive discussion, including several members of the audience, on the subject of how the Architectural Committee would or would not take complaints from the community regarding alleged unauthorized work. Members of the community may submit such complaints or queries to the Architectural Committee, or via the "EMail to the board" button on the PBCA web page. No anonymous submissions will be acted upon; however, the names of submitters will be held confidential by the Architectural Committee and the PBCA board.

The Committee passed a motion (7-0) clarifying its processes in cases where work is alleged to be performed without approval from the Architectural Committee: The Architectural Committee reviews applications submitted by members. In cases of work alleged to be performed without permission from the Architectural Committee, the Committee will perform a brief visual inspection aimed at determining if there is a basis for the allegation, and if it determines that there may be a reasonable basis for the allegation, will refer the matter to the PBCA board for disposition. Action in cases of work proceeding without authorization is determined by the PBCA board, rather than by the Architectural Committee.

It was decided to appoint Bob Halderman and Casey Porter to a new committee on forms for submission.

Next meeting date. 17 May 2004, 7:30 pm, Ladera Linda.

Respectfully submitted,
Neil Siegel