VENTURING Los Angeles Area Council
Boy Scouts of America
Getting Your Venturing Crew Up and Running
Step One

The chief executive officer of the organization approves the involvement of the organization.

Step Two

Call for a briefing meeting of selected personnel in the organization.

The chief executive officer of the organization calls a meeting of key personnel in the organization and a Scouting representative from the BSA local council.

The BSA local council representative will:

  • Explain how Venturing works
  • Determine the market for Venturing
  • Describe adult and youth leader roles and responsibilities.
  • Identify program support, successful methods, and techniques
  • Review Benefits to the organization, adults, and youth.
Step Three

Recruit adult volunteer leadership develop a three-month program.

The adult committee members and the Advisors are recruited and meet with the Scouting representative. Responsibilities of the adult leaders are explained. The Scouting representative also discusses program ideas and helps develop a three-month program. The program is reviewed and adopted.

Step Four

Mail invitations to prospective youth members and follow up by telephone.

The head of the organization writes a personal letter to each prospective youth member identified through a student interest survey conducted by the focal BSA council, through the organization's youth membership roster, or other marketing marketing methods) inviting them, their friends, and their parents to attend an information meeting (firstnighter).

Members of the adult committee should conduct a telephone follow- up two clays before the information meeting.

Confirm the information meeting arrangements and print the outline of the crew's three-month planned program to distribute to youth and parents.

Step Five

Conduct the information meeting (firstnighter).

Confirm arrangements and conduct the firstnighter. Collect adult and youth applications and registration fees for the new crew charter.

Step Six

Conduct the first crew meeting.

Establish plans for youth officer elections and adult and youth officer training.